Friday, December 12, 2008


One day I went online to look at my bank account and realized that we were broke. I have been searching for a job here and struggling. We have been living off student loans. We have been trying to spend as little as possible. I need a job!!! Robby and I started to stress out we might not have enough money to get home from Utah. I of course started to stress. What should I do? Well I said a prayer and thought to myself what can we do!!!? A few days later I came across some scrapbooks that I bought dirt cheap while I was working at Roberts. I decided to see if I could make money on them. They did not sell. Then I decided to sell my Friends Dvd!! I bought them really cheap and have used them well. I sold one of them on Ebay and made good money. I decided to go through the house and sell things we don't use. I have now made well over $300 dollars. I am hoping that it will be enough for us to have fun in Utah and also be enough to get us home. Thank you heavenly Father for answering my Prayers. I am going to become an ebay seller. I really think I can make money by doing it. At least until a job comes in.

Please Keep us in your prayers. Robby has is last test on Wednesday dec 18 and I need a job!! thanks all ;)